5 Things Simple Avoid Breast Cancer

1. Limit yourself to two or three alcoholic drinks a week
Alcohol, consumed even in small amounts, is believed to increase of the risk of breast cancer. Most doctors recommend cutting back on wine, beer, and hard liquor. A recent study showed the link the between drinking and breast cancer was ESPECIALLY strong in the 70% of tumors known as hormone-sensitive.

2. Exercise at least three times a week (Often more is even better)
Pls And you do exercise, work to keep your heart rate above its baseline level for a minimum of 20 continuous minutes. Long walks are nice too, but it's the more vigorous exercise (expect to sweat!) That really helps your heart and cuts your cancer risk.

3. Maintain your body weight, or lose weight if you're overweight
Research shows That being overweight or obese (ESPECIALLY if you're past menopause) increases your risk, ESPECIALLY if you put on the weight as an adult. And a study released in March 2008 by Researchers at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston showed obese and overweight women That Had also lower breast cancer survival rates and a Greater chance of more aggressive disease than average-weight or underweight women.

4. Do a monthly breast self-exam
Be sure to get proper instruction from your doctor and have your technique Reviewed regularly. You Might catch a lump before a mammogram does, and it's a good idea to follow the changes in your body.

5. Have a mammogram once a year after 40
Catching a tumor early boosts the chance of survival significantly: The five-year survival rate can be as high as 98% for the earliest-stage localized disease, but hovers around 27% for the distant-stage, or metastatic, disease.

Source: health.com

5 Signs You Might Need Heartburn Medication

1. Trouble swallowing
Over time, the continuous cycle of damage and healing after acid reflux causes scarring, Dr. Pfanner says. This, in turn, causes swelling in the lower-esophagus tissue, resulting in a narrowing of the esophagus and difficulty swallowing.

2. Extra saliva
If your mouth all of a sudden starts producing extra saliva, it could be water brash, which is highly suggestive of acid reflux, Dr. Coyle says.

It involves the same nerves and reflex as when you vomit. "It is your body trying to wash out an irritant in your esophagus," he says.

3. Nausea
Nausea is associated with so many things that it can be hard to attribute it to reflux. But, says Dr. Coyle, "in some people, the only manifestation they have of reflux is nausea. If you have nausea and can't figure out why, one of the things [to] think about is reflux."

And if the nausea tends to come on right after meals, that's even more of an indication that it might be acid reflux. If so, a regular antacid treatment such as an over-the-counter acid-countering medicine could cut down on your discomfort.

4. Asthma
The coughing and wheezing from heartburn can get so bad they could become triggers for asthma.

It is not clear, however, if frequent heartburn actually causes people to develop asthma. Although many people who have heartburn also have asthma and vice versa, the reasons for this overlap aren't clear.

Experts think stomach acid can trigger nerves in the chest to constrict your breathing tubes in order to keep acid from entering. Again, a simple pH test to look for acid in your esophagus may help you get to the bottom of the problem.

5. Cough
Many respiratory symptoms, such as chronic cough and wheezing, can also be due to heartburn, likely because stomach acid is getting into your lungs.

If you suspect heartburn is at the root of your breathing difficulties—possibly because it occurs immediately after eating—you may want to talk to your doctor about getting a pH test. The test is an outpatient procedure that measures the amount of acid in your esophagus over a 24-hour period and can help determine if you have acid reflux.

Source: health.com

New Infant Sleep Guidelines Issued

The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued new infant sleep guidelines to aid in reducing the number of sleep-related deaths that occur each year. The guidelines address breastfeeding, crib bedding, sleep space, and positioning, among other recommendations.

The guidelines, last updated six years ago, aim to help reduce the 4,600 sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) that occur each year, 50 percent of which are classified as SIDS.

"We are making good progress in understanding SIDS and the importance of the infant's environment in preventing suffocation deaths," said Rachel Moon, M.D., Guideline Committee chair. "However, we still see evidence of unsafe sleeping practices, and we hoped to address those in these new guidelines."


Everyone has heard the adage that “breast is best,” and the AAP agrees. While their recommendation is based on breastfeeding lowering the rate of SIDS, it is also provides a bonding experience between baby and mom and costs nothing. In addition to helping to lower the risk of sleep-related deaths, breastfeeding has been shown to lower the risk of asthma in children, along with allergies, serious infection and infant mortality. Breastfed children are also less likely to become obese or develop diabetes later in life.

There are benefits for mom, too: mothers who breastfeed their infants may have a lower risk of developing breast cancer and other serious diseases, as well as have a greater chance of achieving their pre-pregnancy weight than those who opt for bottle-feeding.

Crib and Bedding

The biggest change in the guidelines is the recommendation that no padded bumper be used in the crib. Those cute gingham and animal-print bumper pads are now a no-no, according to the AAP. There is no evidence that they help reduce the risk of SIDS, and they can be a hazard if a baby rolls up against one. This is part of a trend to remove all objects from a crib, including animals, toys, and excess blankets. [Using a swaddling blanket that is tucked or uses Velcro is the best alternative for young infants, although it has not been shown to have any effect—good or bad—on the risk of SIDS.]
Additionally they recommend the use of a firm sleep surface. Pillows or cushions should not be used as substitutes for mattresses or in addition to a mattress. All cribs should meet safety standards of the CPSC, Juvenile Product Manufacturers Association, and the ASTM International. If using an older crib, be particularly aware of slat spacing, snugly fitting and firm mattress, and that it has no drop sides.

Source: www.healthnews.com

Consumer Groups Say Junk Food Ads Mislead Teens

Four consumer and privacy groups accused PepsiCo, which owns Frito-Lay, of being deceptive in advertising to teenagers by creating gaming and other promotions that are not labeled as ads, and asked the Federal Trade Commission to investigate.

The groups complained in particular about two online promotions—"Hotel 626" and "Doritos Rihanna Late Night."

In "Hotel 626," players are asked to give Pepsico access to their Facebook and Twitter accounts. They are also required to buy a bag of Doritos to use the infrared marker on the back to see the ending, according to the complaint filed to the FTC by the Center for Digital Democracy, Consumer Action, Consumer Watchdog and The Praxis Project.

The advertising in Hotel 626 and others like it were deceptive, the groups contend, in that PepsiCo failed to identify it as advertising and aimed it at teenagers.

They also argued that the company claimed to protect teen's privacy, while collecting data on them without getting consent.

"Frito-Lay uses a variety of techniques to make its marketing seem like entertainment," the groups said in their complaint. "Frito-Lay deliberately disguises its advertisements as entertainment because it knows this will make teenagers more likely to purchase Doritos."

"The FTC has received the complaint and will review it carefully," said FTC spokeswoman Betsy Lordan.

Frito-Lay and PepsiCo were not immediately available for comment.

A working group, which includes the FTC, Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Agriculture Department, are mulling voluntary guidelines for advertising junk food to children and recently indicated that tough, preliminary guidelines would be eased.

The original proposal was for a voluntary ban on ads to people aged 17 and under unless the advertised food promoted healthy fare, such as whole grains, fresh fruits or vegetables.

But the FTC indicated it was likely to reduce the affected age to 11 and under while the Agriculture Department indicated that it was likely to ease off its nutritional standards and replace them with the industry's Children's Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative (CFBAI).

Source: www.healthnews.com

Better Diet Equals Better Sperm

Two studies presented at a conference in the US this week suggest that better diets make for better sperm: one compared a Western diet hight in red meat to one high in fish, vegetables and whole grains and found the latter was linked to higher sperm motility, and the second found that a diet high in trans fats was linked to lower sperm counts.

Dr Edward Kim, President of the Society for Male Reproduction and Urology, said in a statement:

"We are still exploring the impact of nutrition on male fertility, but even these initial studies point to a link between a good diet and reproductive health for men."

From the first study presentation, delegates at the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) in Orlando, Florida, learned how an international team from the Harvard School of Public Health, University of Rochester and the University of Murcia in Spain conducted an analysis of data taken from the University of Rochester's Young Men's Study that recruited men aged 18-22 to fill in questionnaires about their diet and have their semen tested.

The tests took standard measures of semen quality, including sperm concentration, motility (ability to move properly toward the egg) and morphology (having the right shape to penetrate the egg).

In their statistical analysis, the researchers adjusted the results to rule out the potential influence of other factors such as race, smoking status and BMI. They then analyzed the men's results according to two factors: those whose diets were high in intake of red meat and refined grains (the "Western" diet), and those with a more "Prudent" diet, with high intakes of fish, vegetables and whole grains.

The results showed that following a Prudent diet was linked to higher sperm motility, while sperm morphology showed no particular links with diet, and after the researchers adjusted for total calorie intake, neither did sperm concentration.

From the second study presentation, delegates at the meeting learned how researchers recruited men attending the Fertility Center at Massachusetts General Hospital to fill in food journals and agree to undergo semen tests. In this study, a subset of the participants also had their semen tested for trans fats.

The results showed that the higher the trans fats in the diet, the lower the sperm concentration. Such a diet was also tied to higher levels of trans fats in the sperm and the seminal plasma or fluid.

Source: www.medicalnewstoday.co

Increase Brain Memory Capacity With Exercise.

Sports not only help heal the physical, but also very useful for psychic who can relieve depression and increased memory capacity of the brain. Regular exercise can increase mitochondria in the brain, which is useful for treating psychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.

Exercise regularly to increase the number of mitochondria in muscle cells in turn also contributes to the strength or increase endurance.

Effect of Dry Skin

Did you know that dry skin is very vulnerable to attack skin infections. Climate change tends to be very disturbing state of health and beauty skin can lose moisture and eventually makes the skin drier. In dry skin, the bacteria will easily fit so that cause infections of the skin. infections of the skin can lead to the development of diseases such as ulcers and invertigo. Apart from the lack of water content in epidermis and dermis, causing dry skin is also influenced by environmental effects such as exposure to air conditioning, climate change, pollution and ultraviolet rays.

In the parents, the skin layer of the epidermis and dermis tend to be thinner than adult skin, making them easier to dry. Therefore, to maintain water levels will be maintained, sufficient to supply the needs of water 8 glasses per day and running a healthy lifestyle with diligent exercise, avoid alcohol, smoking, and stress.

Quick Eating Habits Influence On Health

Eating habits can quickly lead to adverse effects on health. A study proves that eating fast can lead to diabetes in the elderly. Someone who used to spend a meal with a number of chewed slightly and then immediately swallowed, will increase the amount of sugar in the blood stream immediately. As a result, the body will be easier to have impaired glucose tolerance, also known as prediabetes.

Kondiri prediabetes who are not controlled quickly will lead to the emergence of type 2 diabetes. So it can be predicted in the past 10 years the people who eat quickly and less chewing risk of type 2 diabetes with the percentage of 50 percent.

Eating too fast can also lead to an increase in the number of calories consumed. This condition causes the trigger weight gain, which in turn associated with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Healthy eating and regular exercise can help people with prediabetes maintaining glucose levels under control. So eat slowly to stay slim and fit so that your health is maintained.