modern research presents another reason to eat olive oil contains a single-chain unsaturated fats, vitamin E and polyphenols. Last two compounds were efficacious lowering cancer risk.
Since long time the experts have to know a person's eating patterns associated with risk of breast cancer. Besides the recommendation to avoid high-fat foods, scientists are now advises women to make the Mediterranean diet based on fruits, vegetables, grains, and olive oil, as the best path to a healthy and protected from breast cancer.
Research conducted by scientists from Spain to the mice in the laboratory showed that compounds in olive oil will prevent the genes responsible for tumor cell growth in the breast. This oil also works by turning off proteins that become "food source" of cancer cells.
Dr.Eduard Escrich, chief researcher, advised us to eat olive oil 50 ml, or the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of pure olive oil every day. However, he said that the properties of olive oil as an antidote to cancer is a new lifestyle can be picked when it is implemented in the long run.
Mediterranean diet has been recognized experts on the protection for various diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and also for slimming.
Greece is the country's largest olive oil consumer in the world. People in countries that consume 20 times more olive oil than the UK and Italy, which also includes as a major producer of olive oil.
Source: kompas.com
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